Saturday, October 4, 2008

Expo Portrait Session Winners

A huge Thanks!! to all the wonderful people who stopped by my booth at the Premier Baby 'n Toddler Expo today. I had so much fun.

Instead of 2 portrait sessions, I decided to do a third drawing. So after much shuffling of raffle tickets, the winners of the free portrait sessions are

#41 Karla Leiva
#78 Chris Szylar
#100 Kayon Benjamin

Please contact me soon to book your session. I'm looking forward to working with you.

I also decided to do some drawings for a $40 discount and came up with the following numbers.

#22 Lillie Fernandez
#32 Doris Battaglia
#45 Rose Guida

You may book your sessions at $80 rather than the usual session fees of $120. Please contact me at

I also had a great time with Nicole from Happy Baby [Baby Food] who was in a neighboring booth and Marcia, my assistant for the day.
Cheers for now,

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